Collaborative Care for Depression and Anxiety
Patients who receive care at any of our primary care sites have access to treatment for depression and anxiety, including medication management and counseling.
Contact: Natasha Jackson
Senior Administrative Director,
Behavioral Health and Positive Health Management
Project IMPACT (Improving Access to Comprehensive Treatment)
Provides patients with substance use and mental health issues and patients living with or at high risk for HIV or hepatitis, with the support needed for engaging in risk reduction, treatment, and recovery. The program’s treatment manager provides individual and group therapy to patients with substance use issues and conducts assessments and referrals to higher levels of care. Additionally, two linkage specialists provide case management services and linkage to more intensive or specialized treatment services including both inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities and to supportive services such as housing, nutrition, and legal services.
Contact: Natasha Jackson
Senior Administrative Director,
Behavioral Health and Positive Health Management
(718) 963-7350
Healthy Steps Program
The Healthy Steps program establishes a multidisciplinary implementation team and embeds a Healthy Steps specialist within the Wyckoff ’s Pediatric Care Center. Together, the implementation team and Healthy Steps specialist have established the following: enhanced screening practices, enhanced well-child visits, home visits, child development and family health check-ups, a child developmental telephone information line, expanded Reach Out and Read program to promote literacy, parent support groups, improved management of community referrals, and dissemination of prevention and health promotion informational materials in both English and Spanish.
Contact: Rosa Peralta
Healthy Steps Specialist